"Make disciples of all nations..." Matthew 28:19
Meet our full-time missionaries.

Al & Kim Yoder
Fortaleza, Brasil
Al and Kim Yoder have been in aviation church planting with ABWE since 1980: 7 years in Bahia Brazil planting a church, and 28 years on the Upper Amazon River in aviation ministry where they planted two churches. They currently serve in Fortaleza in counseling and church planting ministry.

Kouami & Afi Midekor
Lome, Togo
International Gospel Missions
Pastor Midekor currently oversees numerous churches and runs a TV station, among other ministries for the glory of God. He is currently developing plans for a Bible College in northern Togo and working with Christian schools in the area. Faith Baptist is the Midekor's sending church.

Russ & Melody Ebersole
Adeta, Togo
Russ and Melody Ebersole served in Togo, where Russ served in the hospital ministry as a pediatrician. Melody was involved in various ministries to women and children and also worked with the local school teachers. The Ebersoles are moving into retirement, but may still have the opportunity to participate in short-term trips to Togo.

Doug & Cheryl Boisvert
Allen, Texas
Grace Global Ministries
The Boisverts are based in the United States but travel to minister in Mongolia and in various countries in East Africa where Doug focuses on training national pastors and church leaders as part of Mobile Modular Ministry (TRI-M). Cheryl has recently been able to more frequently be involved in training women during these trips.

Nick & Heather Smartt
State College, Pennsylvania
Nick and Heather serve at Penn State University where they lead Bible Studies and train students in Bible study and evangelism. Nick works with the international ministry and Heather helps to lead the women's ministry.

David & Susan Imbrock
Ottowa, Canada
Christian Embassy
David is a Senior International Representative for the Christian Embassy of Canada, a position he has held since 2010. They also serve with the Christian Embassy in Paris. They minister to diplomats, political leaders, professors, students and humanitarian aid professionals in dozens of countries.

Brandon & Regina Bell
Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
Baptist World Mission
Brandon and Regina serve as church planters. They train leaders and work with youth.